Words to Walk By


As we return to Jesus' words in the Sermon on the Mount, all Christians—new and seasoned, rich and poor, of every ethnic background—are reminded of how much learning and growth is before us. Recognizing that we're all in the same place before God, Pastor Chris invites us into learn from each others' experiences as we face the ever-challenging 'basics' of living for Jesus. 

His book is loaded with examples from his experience as an inner-city pastor and a cross-class resident of both East Los Angeles and Pasadena, California. Each chapter ends with thoughtful questions that invite everyone to contribute to the conversation about what it means to follow Jesus.

This is a great book to get to know Pastor Chris, as well as to deepen the foundational aspects of your walk with Jesus. If you attend Epicentre West LA and would like a copy of Pastor Chris’ book at 50% off, please fill out the form below. Otherwise, you can purchase the book here: http://www.servantpartnerspress.org/wordstowalkby.