When disaster strikes a city, the Church runs to the front lines and responds with the holistic gospel — meeting practical material needs, emotional needs, and spiritual needs. As part of our response, we are leaning into prayer, worship, generosity, and two partnerships: Acts of Mercy (the disaster relief organization within the Antioch Movement) & Samaritan’s Purse.

While we are unsure if and when the Acts of Mercy Teams will be able to come to LA, we are eager to welcome them with open arms if the opportunity arises. Their teams would consist of 4-8 people each week from Antioch churches all over the country who have gone through their training program. Many of these folks will have some background in medicine, public health, or emergency services. More importantly, they love Jesus and are choosing to represent him on the frontlines of this crisis.

In the meantime, we are joining with Samaritan’s Purse for one-day ash-outs. The purpose of these ash outs is to help people who lost their homes sift through the ash to recover even the smallest things that carry so much sentimental value. There is some urgency to do these ash-outs, because the government will soon begin to clear away the debris completely.

We believe God is going to use our church family to serve our broken and grieving community in Los Angeles, and also to accelerate so many good things he’s already been doing in us as a church — helping us grow in hospitality, encountering God in prayer and worship, increasing our passion for Jesus, self-sacrifice, and missional living. So we’re praying that all of us as a church can rally around this. This is a unique moment to go all-in on where God is leading us. And in response to one of the worst disasters to ever hit our city, we are believing that the church will rise up to be a vessel for healing and restoration. So we’re praying that you would join us in this.

- Kathryn and Quen


Our relief efforts will only bear long-term fruit by the power of the Holy Spirit. We will hold a prayer and worship night every other week to lift up our city. Join us to stoke the “boiler room” that is necessary for moving the mission forward!

Wednesdays 8-9:30 PM at the Cheng’s residence.


These ash outs help people who lost their homes sift through the ash to recover even the smallest things that carry so much sentimental value. There is some urgency to do these ash-outs, because the government will soon begin to clear away the debris completely. No skills are necessary prior to serving, and all volunteers will be led and instructed by experienced team leads.

Samaritan’s Purse is basing their operations out of Cornerstone Church of West LA.Timing is approximately 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Mondays through Thursdays. (Arrival time is 7:15 AM for orientation)

  • Transportation: Volunteers will carpool to the site. If you are in a group, your vehicle will receive a car pass. Since car passes are limited, we encourage filling up cars as much as possible.

  • Dress: No flip-flops. Wear long pants and sturdy boots/shoes. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided by Samaritan's Purse, including a Tyvek suit and an N-95 mask.

  • Lunch: Bring a packed lunch (30-40 min lunch break). Free food trucks are available, but lines can be long.

  • Age:Volunteers must be 14 years of age or older (minors will need to be accompanied by a parent/guardian and have an additional form to fill out).

  • End Time: The workday officially ends at 5 PM, though it may wrap up earlier depending on homeowners’ needs.


This fund will be used to meet a variety of needs resulting from the fires, including housing, clothes and furniture for the displaced, contributions to other relief organizations, and support for our Acts of Mercy teams


If Acts of Mercy is able to to come to LA, Epicentre West LA will host teams of 4-8 people from U.S. Antioch churches in individual homes for one week (Saturday evening - Friday morning).

EWLA will cover housing costs, and AOMI teams will be able to eat out.

At minimum, homes need to have:

  • Bathroom and shower for AOMI teams

  • Room that can accommodate up to four in sleeping bags on the floor

  • Space for AOMI team to use for team meetings in the morning and evening

  • Maximum 30 minutes commute to Cornerstone Church

Interested? Fill out our form: