Welcome to Epicentre West LA. 
Welcome home.

We are a Jesus-centered family of God, rooted in the love of the Father, and guided by His Spirit and Word.  We are earnest and relentless in running with love toward those the Father is welcoming home as His sons and daughters.

The posture of our Epicentre community is that of authenticity as we cultivate a safe space for vulnerability. We are living testimonies of God’s power and grace in weakness, imperfect people living in the unfinished stories of freedom, healing and breakthrough that display God’s glory.

We are a people with a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the earth.  For us, impact looks like loving our neighbor with simple hospitality, embodying the welcome of the Father.  For us, mission entails inviting the stranger to become neighbor, and neighbor to become part of the family of God. In humility, we embrace the simple, small acts because we believe that in doing so, God is the one who does the greater things. 

We trust God to use our surrendered lives of worship—our ordinary, faithful obedience—to ripple out for His extraordinary kingdom purpose of shalom: wholeness and healing, deliverance and salvation, justice and mercy, and the renewal and restoration of all creation. 



Every person coming home to the Father’s love,
being healed and transformed in the family of God by the power of the Holy Spirit,
and awakening to a passion for Jesus and His purposes in the earth.

“But while he was still far off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion; he ran and put his arms around him and kissed him.” Luke 15:20



To Encounter and Embody the Hospitality of God

“So now we are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens and members of the household of God.”  Ephesians 2:12–13

“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you.” Romans 15:7

“Enlarge the site of your tent, and let the curtains of your habitations be stretched out; do not hold back; lengthen your cords and strengthen your stakes.” Isaiah 54:2


The hospitality of God is God’s unconditional love, kindness, and generosity expressed to welcome and embrace the other—those who are different, the stranger.  The gospel—the good news—is that Jesus died and was raised so that we would no longer be estranged from God, but be reconciled and part of God’s family, coming home to the Father’s love.   


  • God as host welcomes us into His presence, so we draw near by the cross of Christ—coming to God as we are, but surrendering to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit.

  • We host God’s presence by reciprocating his welcome, opening the door of our hearts to welcome Him in our gatherings and in our lives.


  • We host one another in the family of God with His love as God’s hospitality is formed and shaped in us.  We feed and disciple one another towards that hospitality so that we become more like Christ.

  • We embrace the mission of God as hospitality, welcoming especially those on the margins, bringing God’s hospitality to LA and to the ends of the earth



WHOLEHEARTED SURRENDER: We yield to God our whole hearts and lives, holding nothing back, so devoted and filled with the Holy Spirit that we say “yes” to Jesus in all things.  

HUMILITY & HONOR: As the Holy Spirit transforms us into the likeness of Christ, we embrace the humility of Jesus to honor God and one another in our hearts, words, and actions; acknowledging faults or hurts when they arise and always working toward reconciliation. 

AUTHENTIC PRESENCE: We create space for ourselves and others to come before God and one another with our authentic selves—with courageous vulnerability as we invite the Holy Spirit to shape who we are becoming. 

JOYFUL GENEROSITY: Partnering with the Holy Spirit, we gladly live in generosity with our time, talents, finances, and words, our hearts and hands wide open because we serve an abundantly generous God.

SIMPLE HOSPITALITY: The Holy Spirit compels us to embrace one another, neighbor, and stranger alike with warmth and simplicity, yet with the lavish heart of God.  


In 2012, God birthed a vision through our leaders and mentors from our sending church, Epicentre Church – Pasadena to imagine a church in West Los Angeles. Our church planter and founding pastor, Lawrence Huey, started our first lifegroup and led our church for 7 years, laying down the foundations for a hospitable, Word & Spirit, justice-oriented church in West LA.

Lawrence, along with our Leadership Team, commissioned Pastor Chris Rattay as our interim lead pastor in 2019. Chris brought clarity and leadership to our church through times of transition and through the pandemic. Our church’s ‘team’-culture and identity grew stronger and stronger, from our leadership team of elders, staff, lifegroup and ministry leaders, to our team of volunteers and beyond.

Then, in 2024, it was with great confirmation and joy that we installed Kathryn and Quen Cheng, elders and long-time pillars of our church, as our new co-lead pastors, to lead us into our church’s next chapter.

God has been so faithful to us through the years. He has clearly shown us that Epicentre West LA is His church and Jesus is our Chief Shepherd. We are grateful for the Epicentre West LA church family and look forward to following Him wherever He may lead us.